“Please Hit ‘Subscribe’”! If you have received benefit from this or any of my other 4,600+ articles, please follow this blog by signing up (w your email Part two of a dialogue with anti-Catholic Reformed apologist & polemicist James Swan, about Protestant founder Martin Luther’s view of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A review of Hermann Sasse's "This Is My Body: Luther's Contention for the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar." In which "one of the foremost confessional theologians of the 20th century" surveys the history of sacramental theology, gives a transcript of the Marburg Colloquy, and explores the significance of the teaching that Christ gives us His body and blood in the Lord's Supper.
+ How Early Protestants Widely Damned Other Protestants Who Held Different Theological Views Dr. Gavin Ortlund is a Reformed Baptist author, speaker, Gavin Ortlund claimed that medieval magisterial Catholicism thought all non-Catholics were hellbound. I refute that & show how early Protestants damned each other.
Dr. Gavin Ortlund is a Reformed Baptist author, speaker, pastor, scholar, and apologist for the Christian faith. He has a Ph.D. from Fuller Theological