MARIETTA Memorial Health Foundation held its 19th Annual Fashion Show celebrating cancer survivors at the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center Friday with 21 ca
Feb 17, 2021
Mid-Ohio Valley Interfaith is an organization committed to civil discourse and collaboration for the common good. As such, we wish to share publicly our reaction to the violence at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
First, we extend our sympathy to the families who lost loved ones and to those who were injured during this violent event.
Further, because we are committed to the assertive but peaceful expression of opinion, we condemn any form of violent demonstration.
As a group, we seek to nurture an inclusive community. Thus, we decry the racism and bigotry evident in the hateful language and actions of that day. Our Constitution calls for equal respect for persons of all racial groups, and, although the Christian faith is the predominant religious preference in our country, the First Amendment guarantees both freedom of religion and freedom from imposed religion.
Jan 11, 2021
All classes for the Winter 2021 Term of the Institute for Learning in Retirement of Marietta College will be offered on Zoom. Program Director Martha McGovern says, “We are pleased that Zoom delivery enables us to offer challenging courses while protecting our community’s health.”
The Institute for Learning in Retirement is a community-based organization of retirement age people who share a love of learning.
The ILR Board made the firm decision to continue, as in the fall term, to go virtual in order to provide planning certainty for instructors and participants and to comply with the campus and community safety precautions required by the pandemic.