Joyce Grayson, a mother and grandmother who dedicated her life to caring for others, was killed in Willimantic while working as a visiting nurse, according to.
Could disgust with the Republican party nationally filter down and influence our local elections Nov. 7? For that to happen, a few factors would have to play a role.
Firstly, a sizable number of vote.
A statewide environmental group said in a report Wednesday that the state legislature achieved some “wins” in voting rights and environmental protection, but failed to take action in the past legislat.
East Lyme ― Voters in November will decide if the town’s top spot will go to the Republican deputy first selectman or the moderate Democrat looking to end the GOP’s 15-year dynasty.
Republican Anne S.
State Approves $344K Grant For New London Chamber Of Commerce HQ - New London, CT - The State Bond Commission has approved the final round of funds for the Chamber of Commerce's new headquarters and innovation center.