for, you know, the mistreatment they had on martese. we need people to be held accountable. reporter: uva s black student alliance calls the treatment animalistic. johnson himself the rally in a drastic tone. we need to respect each other in times like this. reporter: but even wednesday night s protest, police got one woman in a headlock. the officers who arrested johnson are from a state agency known as abc. an official of that agency would not respond to the allegations of excessive force. in charging documents, johnson is described as being intoxicated, agitated and belligerent. just got turned away from a bar on st. patrick s day. it s not clear how he sustained these wounds or what happened in the scene before this was videotaped. as you come back to the scene, still see his blood here how do you feel? now seeing it all in the daylight it s all surreal.
client present a fake i.d., and my client was thrown to the ground and his head hit the pavement and the officers pressing their knees in his back and his face and head needing surgery. the officers have been put on administrative leave, and there have been a investigation into the conduct of the officers. and when you talk to the students on the campus, they say they are shocked that it happened. this is a man who has endless ties to the university and one of the most prominent students on the campus. we will get more on that coming up, and for more on that we want to bring in martese johnson s roommate. joshua joshua, thank you for joining us and how are you and martese the doing? well, i m doing well.
was swearing intoxicated and bell belligerent. he gave his illinois zip code that didn t match the zip code on his i.d. which was outdated. at no time throughout the encounter did martese present as is reported by those in the media, a fake i.d. virginia abc officers questioned my client about being in possession of false identification. the conversation resulted in my client being thrown to the ground. cnn s brian todd is in charlottesville, virginia at that uva forum. brian? reporter: we have critical new information filling in some crucial gaps in this story. information regarding what happened in this incident right before that amateur video was shot early wednesday morning outside the trinity irish pub in
code on the identification card that was printed almost four years ago. at no time throughout the encounter did martese present as excuse me, at no time throughout the encounter did martese present as has been reported as some nin the media fake i.d. nevertheless, officers who were present on the scene questioned my client about being in possession of false identification. it resulted in my client being thrown to the ground, his head hitting the pavement, the officer s knee in his back and needing surgery. our nick valencia is live in charlottesville, virginia, on this story for us. so where are we with the investigation, because the stat? absolutely. reporter: we know thursday afternoon virginia state police launching a criminal investigation, they call it a comprehensive one into the
information that has been circulating after the conference with martese and his lawyer that the information to the bouncer and the lawyer is that it is not a fake i.d., but it is his real i.d. and that makes the officers who committed this act even more reprehensible, for that act, because he committed no crime. all right. i want to thank you, joshua kinlaw the roommate of martese johnson, and we will have him on the show when he can. thank you. and now, going to talk about that fateful day in ferguson and when we come back, we will also discuss martese johnson. hands up don t shoot. hands up, don t shoot.