29/11/2022 - A total of 315,000 euros were awarded during the closing night of the November co-production market, which concludes TorinoFilmLab’s annual cycle of training courses
29/11/2022 - El mercado de coproducción, que cierra cada noviembre el ciclo anual de formación del TorinoFilmLab, ha entregado un total de 315.000 euros en su ceremonia de clausura
29/11/2022 - A total of 315,000 euros were awarded during the closing night of the November co-production market, which concludes TorinoFilmLab’s annual cycle of training courses
25/11/2022 - Between 24 and 26 November, TorinoFilmLab is presenting the new edition of the international co-production market and its projects developed in 2022
25/11/2022 - Between 24 and 26 November, TorinoFilmLab is presenting the new edition of the international co-production market and its projects developed in 2022