Nearly 100 Maine Schools Now Implementing BARR Through Maine DOE Grants to Increase Academic Achievement, Engagement, and Student and Educator Wellbeing The Maine Department of Education (DOE) announced grants for 30 additional Maine schools to implement the Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) model to increase academic achievement, engagement, and student and staff wellbeing. These new … Continue reading Media Release: Maine Expands Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) Model to 30 Additional Schools
Maine DOE Invested $10 Million in Federal Funds to Offer Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) Model to Schools. BARR is a Research-Backed Model Focused on Strengthening Relationships, Improving Achievement, and Reducing High-Risk Student Behavior As the new school year begins, 71 schools across Maine launched their first year of implementing the BARR (Building Assets, Reducing … Continue reading 71 Maine Schools Begin BARR Model Implementation to Increase Student and Staff Wellbeing and Increase Academic Achievement
In his resignation letter Marshwood Middle School principal David Creech cites medical reasons that require immediate attention as the reason for the sudden decision.
Marshwood Middle School Principal David Creech resigned May 16. Two weeks earlier, an employee filed for a protection from harassment order against him.