calling the job of defending trump against an indictment in the election 2020 case a suicide mission. rolling stone reports that the trump team is bracing for all but certain guilty verdicts in at least some of the criminal cases with the only hope being to win on appeal. rolling stone reports that some of the lawyers who considered accepting the suicide mission dropped out, quote, because of concerns from their peers, partners at their respective firms objected to taking on trump as a client, i during the from would lose other clients as a result. none of the lawyers turning down trump admitted to fear of shunning by mary david or not being invented to the marshes vineyard book festival. the lawyer says suicide mission is all of the more suicidal because of the thumb on on of donald trump not paying people who worked for him and the likelihood of trump troubled criminal defense lawyers become
concerns from their peers, partners at their respective firms objected to taking on trump as a client, i during the from would lose other clients as a result. none of the lawyers turning down trump admitted to fear of shunning by mary david or not being invented to the marshes vineyard book festival. the lawyer says suicide mission is all of the more suicidal because of the thumb on on of donald trump not paying people who worked for him and the likelihood of trump troubled criminal defense lawyers become criminal defendants themselves. andrew weissmann is back with us. andrew, your reaction to this struggle the defendant trump has been having for the last months or more, even, trying to find lawyers, including alan dershowitz. that struggle is in the making. as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer i really believe every defendant is entitled to