Dr. Syed Anwar Husain
The 7 March speech, as delivered, had five items. First, the recounting of the historical circumstances leading upto the speech. Second, the four preconditions for resolution of the political stand-off. Third, an equivocal declaration of independence and a call for an armed struggle along with necessary instructions for the people. Fourth, although not parts of the speech, the directives given following the speech, appeared to be corroborative. Fifth, the speech, although not a direct declaration for independence, was certainly an unambiguous pronouncement for the then East Pakistan s virtual autonomy.
As to the first item, Bangabandhu began with such emotive words as, Today I have come to you with a heavy heart. You know everything and understand everything. We tried our best. But the streets of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rangpur and Jessore have been dyed red with the blood of our brethren. Then he recounted the history of our experience as Pakistani citiz