When the ball drops at midnight (well, technically 11 p.m. in the Midwest), 2023 will officially be a thing of the past. To mark the turn of the calendar, the T
Since he started Top Notch Tree Service after graduating from Marshalltown High School in 2001, Jeremy Adkins has always made it a point to give back to a commu
T-R PHOTOS BY JAKE RYDER The Marshalltown Central Business District hosted the 31st annual Holiday Stroll on Saturday with the theme of “The Sweetest C
Life happens. That’s what Rhonda Braudis said about the chaotic year she and her wife Lora, who co-own Oliver Beene Designs together, have had after moving
Between Executive Director Deb Millizer and its legion of volunteers and board members, the Marshalltown Central Business District (MCBD) has played a key role