all-out leftism among democrats, their party politicians used to show proud anti-communist colors. today it takes more courage for biden to do the right thing than it did for jfk. he must tell his party s radicals, people who still ro liberty demands no less, john kennedy, republican senator from louisiana, good to see you today. i want to get your top line thoughts on what is playing out and how the white house fits in. what s happening in cuba is a contradiction for me. it is both beautiful but it also disgusts me to my core. it is beautiful because what we re seeing is people s innate thirst for freedom. our desire for freedom is deeply seeded. it is almost part of the human
harris: senator quickly normally we make it a choice. silent or doing the right thing? we know joe biden as candidate talked about easing some of the sanctions. that way he might work with other countries. so which would you want him to be silent or are you concerned he might go down the wrong road? i want him to do something. i was going to say something i shouldn t. i want him to do something. harris: say what s on your mind. not this time. put it in generic terms. i want to see the leaders of the free world. not just american but all freedom loving countries get up off their ice cold lazy butts and support the people of cuba, not just with a press release. with sanctions, with their cyber skills, and do it repeatedly. now, we have the castro
dana: chants of where is biden on the streets of tampa, florida. protestors across that state marching in solidarity with the cuban people who were rising up against years of communist oppression. republican lawmakers demanding president biden rise to the moment. i m disappointed the biden administration, they have an opportunity to be a worldwide leader to say we support the people of cuba. bill: whether it s the president of the united states or members of congress, call it what it is. communism. i would send a signal to the cuban government we won t sit on the sidelines as you destroy people in our backyard and we need to give voice to freedom. president biden, where are you when the people of cuba need you the most? harris: meanwhile the washington examiner editorial board says it s time for the president to stand up to his party s left before this era of
watch this. you had interventions by democratic presidents taking out intervening in a humanitarian issue with air strikes. many students in the history. are you suggesting air strikes in cuba? what i suggest is that option is one that has to be explored and just discarded. i don t agree with him. i don t think it s necessary to help the people of cuba. i think the best way to help the people of cuba is to marshall the freedom-loving sources across the world in all the countries that support freedom, get together, hit the castro government with additional sanctions and get that internet open. and never let up. never let up. don t just issue a press release. president biden ought to be talking about it three times a day and twice on sunday.
condition. and the cuban people want their freedom. when castro took over he promised them freedom. instead he gave them socialism, which we now know, of course, is just trickle down poverty. that part is beautiful and i think we ought to do everything we can to support the good people of cuba. what i find disgusting is the fact that all president biden has done is issued a press release. that s it. i don t know if he even read the thing. president biden needs to be on the telephone calling the leaders of u.k., canada, new zealand, australia, india, japan, of south korea, of the european union and say let s issue a joint statement and additional sanctions on the castro government. we got the castro government now and the people have. let s choke them to death. president biden needs to use all the cyber skills that exist