No bail for man accused of holding his mother against her will
A man charged with threatening and harassing his mother has been remanded in custody and a protection order issued in favour of the woman
6 April 2021, 2:48pm
by Matthew Agius
The 54-year-old man was arraigned before Magistrate Marseann Farrugia this afternoon.
In addition to the domestic violence charges, he was also accused of failing to submit to legitimate police orders.
A protection order in favour of the woman was requested.
The man pleaded not guilty to the charges and requested bail.
The court denied the request, ordering that he be remanded in custody.
Police have opened an investigation after an 18-year-old was found seriously injured inside an abandoned hotel building in Marsascala, in what he says was a four-storey fall.
The man, who is Dutch, was discovered by passers-by who heard his cries for help at the site on Triq is-Salini, which used to host the Jerma Palace Hotel, at around 11pm.
Civil Protection Department members were called to the site to help rescue the man, who was then taken to Mater Dei Hospital by ambulance.
Doctors have certified the victim’s injuries as being serious in nature. Magistrate Marseann Farrugia is leading an inquiry into the incident.