/PRNewswire/ Women Business Collaborative (WBC) today announced the appointment of Hope Johnson, Marika McCauley Sine, and Margaret Resce Milkint to its.
SHEBA®, a Mars, Incorporated pet food brand, has completed the SHEBA® Hope Advocate Program, bringing together two Indonesian hosts and five global advocates from the SHEBA® Hope Grows Collective, UK, Germany, USA and Southeast Asia (SEA) to work on the world's largest global reef restoration program. The SEA representative was Alif Kazman, a marine biologist from Malaysia. The program is part of a global reef restoration movement, SHEBA® Hope Grows.
Any diver who fancies the idea of an 10-day expenses-paid trip to South Sulawesi is invited to apply to be the 2023 UK Advocate for what’s claimed to be the
/PRNewswire/ The efficient use of limited resources is key to the future of a low-carbon, green economy. The 14th Five-year Plan for the Development of.
/PRNewswire/ Today, Mars, Incorporated, a world leader in confectionery, announced a new sustainability inspired chocolate experience, CO2COA™, is joining.