5.30pm update: ESA wishes NASA luck
The European Space Agency (ESA) has wished NASA luck in its bid to land a rover on Mars today.
The ESA tweeted:@NASAPersevere is now racing towards its dive into the Martian atmosphere. Landing expected at 20:55 GMT/21:55 CET. Good luck NASA .
The ESA has played a part in the mission to Mars, with its Mars Express orbiter giving valuable data to the US space agency.
The Jezero Crater (Image: ESA)
5pm update: NASA should be prepared for terrifying surprises
NASA should be prepared for terrifying surprises, an astronomer has warned as the machine zeros in on the planet.
Watch: Perseverance Rover's Mars Lands On The Red Planet - Los Angeles, CA - Designed by Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA'S Perseverance rover made history Thursday.