Ultimately did win a second term. Now its really up to the sides. They have actually just yesterday called reading about the wall street hangs and say weve got to come up with something else. We need a true Interest Rate reflects reality. The book is open secrets. The author is aaron arvid lan. This is about an hour and a half. Good evening. Welcome to the men had labor. Tonights program is now Straight Talk based on the book titled mars up close inside the Curiosity Mission by marc kaufman, published by national geographic. Id like to ask you this time if your cell phone is on, please turn it off and please dont take any pictures during the presentation. Fyi, tomorrow in the new york times, it will be all about mars and featured we an article by the featured speaker mr. Coffman. Curiosity is a car sized robotic rover has been exploring craters on mars since landing in august 2012. Nasa launched curiosity in november 2011 from cape canaveral. It took a little over eight months to reach
The Mars Exploration summit began with opening remarks from nasa administrator charles bolden, he spoke about the importance of humans becoming a multiplanet species and nasas goal of putting humans on mars in the next two decades. This is 30 minutes. Thank you very much, and thanks to all of you for allowing me to be with you this morning and it kind of kick us off, i hope. I also want to thank explore mars as well as g. W. President steve knapp and scott pace of the g. W. Policy institute for bringing us together for the humans to mars summit. Lets leave that slide up, ill talk about it all day long, and at least you can refer to it and you dont have to look at me. With mars making its closest approach to effort last week and currently appearing as the brightest body in the eastern sky during the month of april, this is an ideal time for this conference, as the red planet draws nearer to earthsort of as im surprised she remembered, maybe im not surprised she remembered, but we did ta
On a space station . Good question. Well, i did go to work for nasa which was a big help for me. I decided being an astronaut was a goal. Really what i also work on was aircraft control systems. Thats where my main work at nasa was on. That could play into working on the shuttle, also helping out. I just got lucky in the selection process. Thats really there are so many qualified people who try to be astronauts. It takes a little bit of luck just to get in. I just happened to get a little lucky. Had all the requirements needed and just a little bit of luck and i made it. So commander, in about 30 seconds tell us about the best experience youve had onboard the space station itself. Well, the best experience is, well always looking out window and the best way to look out the window is not having a window in front of you, thats going on a spacewalk. Thats probably the best experience. Its a fantastic feeling. It is a little pressure on you at the same time but, boy, its quite an experienc
One way to look at it, apollo 13 with the event that it had. I believe that was around 84 hours. We had to keep the crew alive for 84 hours. So we had life support systems, if youre going to go to mars that have to work for months, possibly over a year, depending on how long it takes you to get there and how long you stay. We have to take the steps to get that in place. Its going to take some time to get a reliable system in place. We can land a metric ton on the surface of mars, thats all we know how to do. Thats about the size of a mini cooper car. If were going to explore mars, it needs to be something bigger than that. There are challenges that we have, we know what the challenges are, but it will take some time to get those technologies ready. Have you counted up how many breakthroughs you think you need to get there . We ought to talk about it a little bit. Im not sure theyre breakthroughs in a sense. If we can build on what we know now today, and just expangd it. For example lif
Rest of the world. The biggest gains for this country in that field are around the issue of equity. Equi when the biggest potential gains are getting people who are not within the s. T. E. M. Pipeline into it, i think about that out being a huge advantage that we have as a country because we have a tradition of trying to broaden opportunity for all americans. The s. T. E. M. Fields are if you believe that brain power ana capability are equally distributed across all differeny parts of our a society, then ret thats by far the biggest place to gain, because if you have role models that can inspire people from all different backgrounds, thats part of thew way how you will open up the pipeline. I think to get back to your peln first question aboute. Competitiveness, i dont think we fully understand what being more competitive in the Global Economy actually means in termse of how do we measure it. Thats a good place to start. I think the competitiveness, it im not sure we all have the same