Astronaut to marcus gay is climbing a book a no in lance the writing in the Canary Islands. He returned from his long Space Mission just a few weeks ago the space agency sent the astronauts here for training the terrain is what is called a planetary analog very similar to the landscape on moms. The. With friends astronauts hes a mars mission as the apex of his career the 6 and a half months he spent on the International Space station i s s were a 1st step towards potentially being part of the crew lifting off for the red planet one day. Humans have to adapt to space travel with closed recycling loops total autonomy drive technologies and the use of robots or novel materials the idea is as paves the way for future missions and puts a journey to mars into the realm of the imaginable. But. Am. Back in november 26th at the baikonur a space board temperatures have fallen to minus 28 degrees celsius. The rocket is being driven to the launch pad a pretty routine occurrence in the Space Busine