One another, our refusal to be divided by ethnicity or nationality or religion, in the face of humanitarian crises, were going to deliver help and hope to those in need. In the face of aggression, well stand up for the sovereignty of nations like ukraine. And in this moment of uncertainty in europe, well remain steadfast allies through nato, the strongest alliance that the world has ever known. So, team rota, all of you embody the spirit of cooperation and resolve as well as anyone. And my main message here today is to say thank you. Thank you for your service on behalf of a safer america, a safer spain, and a safer world. And to all our spanish friends, thank you for your friendship, and thank you for your service. To all the americans who are here, i know its never easy serving farway from home. Although i must say, if youve got to be away from home, this is not a bad place to be. But even in a place as beautiful as this, youre missing holidays and birthdays and family reunions. But
Favor of the bill. So what is the future of the gops plan to repeal obamacare . Joining us is Clarence Page a Pulitzer Prize winning syndicated columnist from the chicago tribune, nbc news medical contributor dr. Natalie azure from nyu Medical Center and dr. Gawandai a surgeon at brigham and Womens Hospital and a harvard professor. Let me go to you first, clarence. The fact that the obamacare or the Affordable Care act that they have promised throughout the campaign, they being the republicans and President Trump, that they would repeal and replace, actually the Affordable Care act as you wrote has gotten more popular and what theyve introduced has gotten less popular. Give me the politics of what were looking at in terms of this vote that they want to try to make happen before july 4th. Youre certainly quoting me correctly there, reverend. I think it was a shortcoming of the Obama Administration that after they got the aca passed they moved on to other matters and didnt really do that
Along with our heartfelt sympathies for their loss, we extend our gratitude and admiration to the family of Tyre Nichols, the 29-year-old father who died three days after a sickeningly savage police beating in Memphis on Jan. 7.
2nd Lt. Caron Nazario has filed a federal lawsuit against two Virginia officers alleging they violated his constitutional rights, assaulted him, falsely imprisoned him, and had his car illegally searched.