May 7, 2021 05:38 EDT
After escaping the brutal restraint methods of Resident Evil Village’s infamous Lady Dimirescu and her daughters, you might be left stumbling around their castle, trying every door only to find most of them locked.
As you explore, you’ll probably come across the Wine Room upstairs from the Main Hall, which has a big display with a big obviously missing bottle at the end of it. While you won’t immediately be able to solve it after your initial escape of the daughters, this guide will explain exactly when and how you can complete this puzzle. Be wary for spoilers and vampires ahead.
May 7, 2021 11:15 EDT
Resident Evil Village launches today, and whether you’re a newcomer or veteran of Capcom’s series, you may need some survival tips as the game introduces a number of new mechanics and twists to the series’ classic formula. Get the lowdown on combat, crafting, the shop, finding your way around, and more! Grab some green herbs and shotgun shells and let’s go…
Note: These tips are for those playing on Standard difficulty – if you decide to play on Hardcore or Village of Shadow difficulty, well, I assume you know what you’re getting into.
Remember to Block