A Marlow school has thanked the community for its help during the pandemic. Foxes Piece School said the “support and thoughtfulness” of organisations in the town has “not only enhanced children’s learning at home, but supported the experiences of children having to attend”. Headteacher Jane Byron said: “The Marlow Diner, based at Globe Park, provided a free hot lunch last week, and this week they have donated free hot chocolate drinks to children of key workers. “The Marlow Thames Rotary Club provided funds to help purchase workbooks for children working at home and kindly donated novels to the school for children to read.
The fundraising initiative was launched this year by the Marlow Thames Rotary Club alongside Marlow Town Council. With the tree itself raising just over £900 the Marlow Thames Rotary Club agreed to round the sum up to £1000 and pay for all of the setup costs. As a result of donations, £200 will be made to each of the following charities: The Marlow Mayor’s charity, Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice, South Bucks Hospice, Thames Valley Adventure Playground, and Marlow Age Concern. Marlow Town Mayor, Richard Scott, was thrilled by the support shown by the public and hopes the tree will make a comeback in future years.