Now that the masses have been conditioned to want what seems best for the immediate without regard to the long-term consequences, how can they even understand the price of Liberty? There is still hope. It requires a Third Great Awakening. It would mean massive repentance and a return to acceptance o
A Euphemism is a nice word that stands in place of a less-appealing or desirable word. Choice seems to be irresistible. Who doesn’t want more choice? Sometimes we have to be willing to consider the only choices presented are 50 shades of tyranny. Liberty is not on the menu and hopefully you won’t ha
The apostles were told to stop speaking in politically incorrect, unapproved, and disruptive ways. They answered that they feared God rather than man and faced the human consequences. Where are the people today who allow God to govern their thoughts and are willing to call evil evil and good good? W
Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves they ha
In future articles we will investigate more about Critical Theory and how it has been normalized in our culture. We will also explore more about the linguistic revolution we are all experiencing, no matter where we reside in the world. During times of change, there is great opportunity for Truth to