Divorces don’t get messier than among the super-rich
As Bill and Melinda Gates prepare to part, we look at the tricks and tactics that can come into play when one-percenters split
6 May 2021 • 5:00am
In California, divorcing couples cannot lay claim to assets such as holiday homes, as they must split equally
Lockdown has not been easy for billionaires, even Bill Gates. News that the fourth richest couple in the world – worth some $125 billion – are heading for a divorce must have been a champagne-popping moment for the US legal community; the more money at stake, the messier the split. The pair have hauled in top brass to manage proceedings: on Melinda’s side are Robert Cohen and Sherri Anderson – who have a host of A-list clients under their respective belts, including Ivana Trump, Uma Thurman and Jeff Bezos. Bill is leaning on Robert Olsen and Ted Billbe – who made MacKenzie Scott the world’s fourth-richest woman after her marriage to Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos,