Gender identity rather than their birth gender. There is something wrong with that. If you got to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom, whether you have girl or boy parts it doesnt matter. It could be uncomfortable for me if that happens and someone walked in and was a girl. I got to do what i got to do and thats it. Use the bathroom and get out. I think they shouldnt do it. Why . Because it is uncomfortable. A letter from the justice and Education Department says schools have a responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students including transgender students. However some students believe there should be another optionee adjourned neutral option. Some believe that is going back to something similar to ci way i see it. According to fcps pride anecdotally speaking there is 2700 transgender students in fair fact county. Rigby says that he is seeing more people coming out here and attributes that to more awareness and about the internet and also kaitlin