Future Vision for the metalworking industries regarding digitalization and sustainability - An entirely new way of collaborating, learning and service management
31. March 2021
The sun never sets at ABP
Future Vision for the metalworking industries regarding digitalization and sustainability - An entirely new way of collaborating, learning and service management
Feel invited to a visionary talk with Markus Fournell, Vice President Digitalization & Service Products at ABP Induction
Open borders, globalization tendencies in society as well as in the economy, cross-border cooperation and research projects – the internationalization of services is tangible in many areas. Companies can no longer focus on just one regional or national market, but must open up to the world. But what is the best way for a service manager to do this? And how do you deal with the changes that are emerging, especially internationally, as a result of digitalization?
Future Vision for the metalworking industries regarding digitalization and sustainability - An entirely new way of collaborating, learning and service management
31. March 2021
The sun never sets at ABP
Future Vision for the metalworking industries regarding digitalization and sustainability - An entirely new way of collaborating, learning and service management
Feel invited to a visionary talk with Markus Fournell, Vice President Digitalization & Service Products at ABP Induction
Open borders, globalization tendencies in society as well as in the economy, cross-border cooperation and research projects – the internationalization of services is tangible in many areas. Companies can no longer focus on just one regional or national market, but must open up to the world. But what is the best way for a service manager to do this? And how do you deal with the changes that are emerging, especially internationally, as a result of digitalization?