Long before Environmental, Social, and Governance ("ESG") entered the corporate world's vernacular, these principles were very much present in various aspects of project development.
Astoria Portfolio Advisors
Astoria Portfolio Advisors Disclosure: At the time of these podcasts, Astoria held positions in COPX, PICK, XME, FBT, XBI, ARKG, XLE, KBWB, XLB, XLI, ICLN, EES, SPSM, IHDG, SPDW, CQQQ, MCHI, DGRE, VTIP, VOT, and EMB on behalf of its clients. There are no warranties implied. Astoria Portfolio Advisors LLC is a registered investment adviser located in New York. Astoria Portfolio Advisors LLC may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. For full disclosure, please refer to our website: https://www.astoriaadvisors.com/disclaimer