KINGSTON, Jamaica - Jamaica’s jobs market continues to be robust with the country’s unemployment rate falling to a new record low of 4.2 per cent in October 2023. This is an improvement on the 4.5 per cent that was recorded in both April and July 2023, according to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN), in its October 2023 Labour Force Survey findings released on Tuesday. STATIN explained that the latest.
The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) is reporting that Jamaica's unemployment rate continues to improve, with more women taking up jobs. At a press conference today, it was disclosed that the unemployment rate for the month July 2023.
With 47,000 more Jamaicans said to have entered the employed labour force up to July this year, the country's unemployment rate fell to 4.5 per cent as it continues to trend downward and at record.
Rashaed Esson Staff Writer #Jamaica, August 18, 2023 – The Caribbean region has been for some time now, plagued with high unemployment rates as confirmed by the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, but for Jamaica, there is good news as the rate has decreased for April of 2023, 1.5 percentage points lower than […]
JAMAICA'S unemployment rate fell to a new low according to the latest findings from the April 2023 Labour Force Survey (LFS) which saw more people working now than at any other time in the country.