hi there, everyone. it s 4:00 in new york on state of the union day when president joe biden delivers that state of the union address to we thought it was important to remember that that address will take place in what amounts to a crime scene. for which there has yet to be accountability for many of its perpetrators. members of the mob that stormed the capitol on january 6th have been swept into the largest investigation in justice department history. more than 950 of them from all 50 states have been arrested. at least half of them have pleaded guilty to charges. on trial right now at this very moment on the rare and historically significant charge of seditious conspiracy, the right-wing militia groups, the oath keepers and the proud boys, the groups that form the tip of the spear of the mob that reached the capitol on that day, january 6, 2021. what about the campaign staffers? attorneys, activists, officials, the members of congress who helped put into motion complex
Revenue Procedure 93‑27 defines a profits interest as a partnership interest other than a capital interest, meaning an interest that would give the holder a share of the proceeds if the partnership’s assets were sold at fair market value, proceeds distributed in liquidation
asset, your by year. look to see is the value accurate? how is it arrived? were the calculations honest? consistent with market practice or rigged? what we found in case after case was that the methodology was rigged to boost up the asset values. in some cases, even the arithmetic was rigged. forget about you know, comparables and whether they re actually comparables. there were instances in which the actual match was rigged so what was set out in the accounting records as the average price per aeker wasn t the average price. there were instance after instance where some of the basic metrics were changed. trump s triplex apartment where he lived, although it was composed of 11,000 square feet, was valued for financial statement purposes as 30,000