Dangerfield's Comedy Club is set to make a triumphant return with a Grand Re-Opening on New Year's Eve, following it's closure in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dangerfield's Comedy Club is set to make a triumphant return with a Grand Re-Opening on New Year's Eve, following it's closure in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dangerfield's Comedy Club is set to make a triumphant return with a Grand Re-Opening on New Year's Eve, following it's closure in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
New UES Restaurants: Thai, Irish, Fish And Dangerfield Details - Upper East Side, NY - All of the new spots aside from the First Avenue comedy club will be on Second Avenue.
The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board decision marks the second defeat for Mark Yosef, a former attorney for the city’s Department of Consumer and Worker Protection. First, Yosef’s defamation suit on behalf of Manhattan’s Comic Strip Live was dismissed by a judge. Then, the Conflicts of Interest Board ruled that Yosef had no business filing the lawsuit at all, as he was a city employee at the time.