Raj Kapoor, the legendary showman of Indian cinema, stands as a beacon of success in Bollywood. Born on December 14, 1929, in Peshawar, he was the son of the renowned actor and filmmaker Prithviraj Kapoor. Despite his father's stature, Raj Kapoor faced his share of struggles and challenges in carving his own identity. | Tellychakkar.com
Director Anil Sharma recalled his first-ever meeting with Dharmendra, with whom he’d collaborate several times in his career. He said that he was working as an assistant on the film The Burning Train at the time, and was on set at RK Studios when Dharmendra stopped by and brought everything to a standstill. | Tellychakkar.com
Anil Sharma looked back on his first meeting with Dharmendra, and how awestruck he was of his stardom, even as the actor tore up the call sheet that was presented to him.