Telehealth Effective, Preferred for Mobility Equipment Adjustments in Veterans
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth visits have jumped substantially, but the efficacy of such remote health services yet documented.
Two recent studies from the University of Pittsburgh, published in the International Journal of Telerehabilitation, show that telehealth can be effective in providing complex rehabilitation technology devices like wheelchairs that are custom-fitted for individuals to veterans.
Brad Dicianno
The research was conducted at the Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL), which is funded by a partnership between Pitt and the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System.
The first study involved a cohort of veterans with disabilities who were assessed by a therapist through telehealth at their homes for complex rehabilitation technology (CRT), such as adjustments to wheelchairs, and then compared to a matched sample of non-veterans who were assessed through traditi