are we using power tools? will: i get the power tool thing. i want someone to show us, this is what i want some tips on, how about cleaning the pumpkin out? everybody shows you how to to make the designs, my least favorite art e part, the kids don t like the part of scooping rachel: really? my kids love that. will: getting it scraped so there s no strings on the edges. everybody likes to do the cutting and the designs, nobody likes the actual manual labor rachel: i bet if you went online, you could find the hack yesterday there was a hack about opening it from the bottom up. will: yes. rachel: i m going to try that this year. kids do love it. will: they don t finish job. i guarantee you sean finishes the job. todd: so this is what i have to look forward to with the little ones? will: you re super excited, and you will do rachel: most of the work. will: 70% of the work. todd: sort of like yesterday. yesterday all about the ponies, i can t wait we take her to the
dick cabot s show and just blew holes in the theory. but this is absolutely driving much of the modern movement and much of, actually, the covid restrictions. it s about power, they want to regulate human endeavors. al gore went to to a bill gates-funded event and said africa s projected to have more population increase than china and india combined by mid if century, and he called for ubiquitous fertility management which i m sure includes everything from contraception to abortion. but it s interesting, a wealthy western politician lamenting this is going to be too many amp cans by mid africans by mid century. i don t think donald trump could have gotten away with that. rachel: here s my message to all those globalists, keep your hands off my fertility. [laughter] thank you so much for joining us, mark. i love your sufficient. if you want to hear more about mark, i had him on my podcast just about a week ago. fantastic.
the biggest contributor to their carbon paw print which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. there are some new food developments on the market that are so worth looking into especially for dogs including lab-grown meat. a 2014 study found insects are a good and nutritious source of protein for pets. climate publisher mark rano is here to react. i love that you brought your dog with you to interview. you get a gold star. we lo that. [laughter] i ve always known this movement was anti-human, anti-child and now it s anti-pet. yes, it is. this is 3-year-old bella, and they re claiming that she s basically the equivalent of a vehicle, of an suv driving around because of carbon footprint of your average dog. i ll put it down. this is a war on modern life. this is the climate activists saying you can t have pitt.