Ready to take part in relief efforts to allay the heightened Covid-19 crisis in India, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) has organized a fundraiser to support organizations providing much-needed medical equipment to India.
Ready to partake in the forward momentum of the recovering hospitality industry, the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) Global Board of Directors has outlined multiple initiatives it will undertake to support its professional members and stakeholders.
VENZA further cements its position as the industry s go-to data protection awareness champion. How? They are hosting a global information security-focused quiz game-style competition. A first for the hospitality technology community, this series of matches has a whimsically fun atmosphere that makes the competition accessible even to those with a mere casual appreciation of the world of IT security.
g-o-n-z-a-l-e-z. argue that the convictions of the lesser included offense of third degree felony murder and attempted felony murder were inconsiste inconsistent. the court went on to say that, no, and i m reading from the second column that s one of the prosecutors reviewing a lot of case history why he believes third degree felony murder charge should be added, should be considered by this jury in addition to the second degree murder charge. the judge earlier rules manslaughter will be allowed to be consider by the jury. the state earlier said aggravated assault. they know longer wanted that to be included. let s get some quick analysis. paul and pagep ark pate is stilh us. explain the third degree murder charge they want to be