The second drop is yet another seamless fusion of BOSS’ sleek tailoring with Russell Athletic's sportswear. See how people are styling the collaboartion.
New voting law impacts on Savannahâs film industry Filming for Lady and the Tramp in Savannah. (Source: WTOC) By Sarah Winkelmann | May 6, 2021 at 5:45 AM EDT - Updated May 6 at 6:24 AM
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Weâre continuing to follow the impact of Georgiaâs new voting laws. Governor Brain Kemp signed the bill about a month ago and since then, there has been some concern about events and dollars leaving the Peach State.
The entertainment industry has been a top concern after the governor signed the bill, which changes the procedures for voting in the state.
A similar fear took place a few years ago after the heartbeat bill, banning abortions after six weeks, was passed in Georgia. After that, the Savannah film industry took a big hit, according to Charles Bowen from the Savannah Film Alliance.
Feb 19, 2019 @ 14:34
Updated 2/22/2019: On February 21, after over two hours of testimony mostly against Entergy’s proposed gas plant, the New Orleans City Council voted unanimously to let the company keep its permit despite the paid actors scandal, clearing the way for the project to proceed.
Sparks flew at a New Orleans City Council’s utility committee meeting on Valentine’s Day, compelling the committee to delay voting on a resolution that would scrap plans to rescind the permit for Entergy’s proposed $210 million natural gas power plant in exchange for a $5 million fine.
The contentious permit was awarded to Entergy, which provides power to the city, on March 18, 2018, but the city council’s third-party investigation of Entergy found the allegations that the company took part in an astroturf campaign to influence the vote for its proposed New Orleans East gas plant to be true. The investigation concluded that the company was responsib