Security issues . What are the things that we have to be concerned with as a nation and what is the armys role in those National Security issues . So i hope we will have a good discussion on that today. We face many challenges today, whether it be budgets and balancing our budget, reducing that debt and what is the right level of funding for our military . We face social problems which was mentioned, such as assault and harassment. We are working on the issues of suicide, the issues of taking care of our soldiers who have been wounded both with physical injuries and those that are nonvisible injuries. Thats something we must stay focused on not just today but for the foreseeable future because there will be some soldiers that are impacted by this for many years. Its our responsibility to make sure that we continue to take care of them. I hope we will have an opportunity to talk about the future and talk about the key issues we are facing today. Its an honor for me to be here and i look
Unofficial press office for all things Democratic Party. For days we have met witness members of the press exploit, hourly exploits, the horrific violence in dayton, el paso, texas, for political gain. Every second, minute, hour of every day, the coverage has been once again the same people involved in line for two and a half years, conspiracy theories, hoaxes, just misinformation, propaganda. Again, same wrong reporting. It does for calls for action, and even gun confiscation and above all, a demonization of all things President Trump and of course, his supporters. Meanwhile, the carnage in baltimore, and chicago, which happens every single weekend, have an every weekend on obamas watch, totally ignored because it doesnt fit their hyperpartisan agenda. That said, and now, the selectable outrage is about to become even more selective v8 according to reports, the evil gunman in dayton, ohio, was a huge supporter of democratic ideals. Socialism, supported elizabeth warring for president