From May 26 to June 24, Hollis Taggart will present Audrey Flack: Force of Nature, a selection of Abstract Expressionist works, including early never-before-seen works on paper, by the .
From May 26 to June 24, Hollis Taggart will present Audrey Flack: Force of Nature, a selection of Abstract Expressionist works, including early never-before-seen works on paper, by the .
<IMG SRC="/resources/klarman.jpg" align="right" WIDTH="130"
HEIGHT="170"></A><em>Michael J. Klarman, the James Monroe Distinguished Professor of Law, Professor of History at the University of Virginia, recently won the 2005 Bancroft Prize for From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Racial Equality. This book primarily examines the relationship between the Supreme Court and race relations in the United States. Klarman focuses on race related legal decisions that oc