Two horrific child abuse cases involving a father and stepmother convicted of terrorizing two young boys in Toronto are nearing their final conclusions as a judge deliberates on their sentences.
A year of COVID a time of learning and caring
A year of COVID a time of learning and caring By Michael Swan, The Catholic Register March 12, 2021
Fr. Wilson Andrade’s smile is as broad, his laugh as ready and his intense interest in people as alive as it ever was. But he confesses that a year of lockdowns, online Masses and separation from his St. Ann’s parishioners in Toronto’s East Chinatown neighbourhood hasn’t been easy.
“When I was alone, I had to go to the chapel and sit down and pray,” the Holy Cross Father recalled. “Before it was always that I had to do this, this and this. Now is a time to be, to be with God, to do things that would connect me to Jesus.”