Report there was should not u outstanding litigation. The good news is the court has disobey solved the stay of construction and the work can commence under the certify of appropriateness has begun and well keep you post on the outcome of the project. Also wanted to let you know that the november 21st Planning Commission hearing the Planning Commission granted an estimation of a use authorization for the Market Street. This is the significant building under the planning code. This Commission Approved the aefgs for the project to the rehabilitation of the exterior including itself missing core in his on the building. The structure will be converted from office to 44 square feet hospitality use or the Planning Commission extend the authorization and added two things iowas was iowa one what the acidity application to the filed and a number 2 the First Construction permit should be fidelity wherein 2 years. That concludes any items that were before the Planning Commission recently if you h
This point the public may talk about what the in the jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to the items it will be afforded your opportunity when it comes up any member of the public wish to speak on our agenda. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners that places you in departmental matters. Mr. Fry anything under directors announcement. Good afternoon, tim from the staff. The report was in your packet its a short summer of the department receiving an award as i mentioned to you if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them about the event commissioners any questions . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Well move to next item item 2 the past event report. Just a couple of items to share one on the cottages as you know a couple of hearings back i report there was should not u outstanding litigation. The good news is the court has disobey solved the stay of construction and the work can commence under the certify of appropriateness ha
Wednesday, december 4, 2013. Please be aware that the commission does not allow any disturbance and if you care to do state your name for the record. Id like to call role at this time commissioner hyland commissioner johnck. Commissioner johns. Commissioner matsuda and commissioner pearlman. Commissioners first on our cleared up it general public at this point the public may talk about what the in the jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to the items it will be afforded your opportunity when it comes up any member of the public wish to speak on our agenda. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners that places you in departmental matters. Mr. Fry anything under directors announcement. Good afternoon, tim from the staff. The report was in your packet its a short summer of the department receiving an award as i mentioned to you if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them about the event commissioners any questions . Seeing none, Public Co
PARKERSBURG Wood County Technical Center students held a ribbon-cutting ceremony outside of the Caperton Center with caution tape and an electric saw to
PARKERSBURG Wood County Technical Center students held a ribbon-cutting ceremony outside of the Caperton Center with caution tape and an electric saw to