has been in the administrative segregation unit for nearly eight months after stabbing another inmate. but now, it s hinkston who s been attacked. i had my cell door shut. was open and watching tv, a guy came down here and had a bottle full of [ bleep ] that he done liquified and sprayed it in my cell, man. one of the inmates threw feces in his cell. it was pretty terribly actually. he had feces all over him. all over the room. other the walls. it was everywhere. i basically stood here with the and once they seen that i had [ bleep ] all over me and [ bleep ] all in my cell. they came up here and told them to let me take a shower. hinkston would tell us who it was. but that is pretty much their code. if we don t catch them in the act they are not going tell us. so we have to investigate and find who did it.
nothing has been proven. but i mean hinkston has his opinions and he sticks by him. really he s just a big bully. and he s in here terrorizing people. that s what he does i guess. that s what he s good at. coming up things get messier in the ad seg unit. one of the other inmates threw feces in his cell. it was ever where. mark hinkston a reaches the breaking point. y all keeping me in this [ bleep ]. y all playing with me bro. i m been praying my whole life. my [ bleep ]. i m telling you i done told you don t talk to me like that.
if i had probably would have had a fight just because who i am. i can t let nobody play me or disrespect me in no way shape or form. everything is a choice i been reading in this bible. i need to change my ways, critical thinking and everything. is that easier said than done? it s going to be a hard thing to progress. because i ain t never thought about it like that. i have to find something. something. i don t know. i ain t figured it out yet. yeah, this is the terror zone right here. this is what i do all day, man. mark hinkston says he s been trying to change his behavior as well. he s written a book and has been advising younger inmates on the unit like pall green. but now green has been transferred to state prison to serve time for an escape conviction. before he left off the pod he came to my door and knocked. and i spoke with him. basically gave him some words of
i did five years for felonious assault where an individual was shot in the chest. where i shot him in the chest. this is something i m very much capable of doing. but i didn t do this. in in addition to five years in prison for the felonious assault he previously served another five years for robbery. and he says his criminal history goes all the way pack to age 11 when he was jumped and assaulted by neighborhood kids because of the light color of his skin. they ganged up on me and jumped me. i felt that that wasn t something i couldn t accept. in my young life. hinkston says he went home and got a .22 caliber pistol. i took that revolver back to that park and i seen these children that jumped me. and i began to shoot at them. although i didn t hit any of
which he made into the shank. he is a throat staff simply because we don t know from one day to the next what his demeanor is going to be. he has shown spurts of violence. in an instant he can go to just a ball of rage. while he s incarcerated here, he will be on administrative segregation he cannot get along with the general population. can t get along with staff members. can t get along with anybody. he is a ticking time bomb. at some point something is going to push him over the edge to where there will be a burst of violence. hinkston has pled not guilty to all of his current charges, which include trafficking of cocaine and heroin, illegally carrying a firearm and felonious assault. this is something i am capable of doing. this is something i have done in the past.