Quote a great burglary. That may have been out history would have recorded it but for the recording of two men about to hit the state. Former publisher of the Washington Post phil gramm once said journalism is the first rough draft of history. Bob woodward and Carl Bernstein wrote their first draft of the story and their second and under the guidance of legendary editor brett ben bradley who sadly is not with us today the support of publisher Katharine Graham whose son don is with us exposed a tale of corruption at the highest levels of government. Some quality of their work changed journalism politics. Recognition from around the world and led the Washington Post to be honored with a Pulitzer Prize or Public Service but the significance of their work extends beyond committee accolades. Through their relentless painstaking efforts to bring the truth about the Nixon Administration to life bob and carl epitomized the Founding Fathers vision ofthe free press. There could be no such thing
Well consider the so what question. Why debunking this myth . Matters along the way well have some time for q a. Here are a few names that will encounter. During our class today. Bob woodward and Carl Bernstein these are these were reporters for the Washington Post the lead reporters on the watergate scandal for the post. And they teamed up in 1972 and were together through the scandal in 1974. Together they wrote two books about the watergate scandal. Catherine graham is another name that will encounter she was the posts publisher. During the watergate period the post then was a familyowned newspaper. And she was publisher from 1969 to 1979. She backed the watergate investigation. Sometimes in the face of government pressure Catherine Graham died in 2001 ben bradley is another name will encounter today. He was the posts executive editor at the time. That is the top newsroom official. Of a newspaper ben bradley broadly oversaw the watergate coverage of his newspaper he was executive ed
That may have been out history would have recorded it but for the recording of two men about to hit the state. Former publisher of the Washington Post phil gramm once said journalism is the first rough draft of history. Bob woodward and Carl Bernstein wrote their first draft of the story and their second and under the guidance of legendary editor brett ben bradley who sadly is not with us today the support of publisher Katharine Graham whose son don is with us exposed a tale of corruption at the highest levels of government. Some quality of their work changed journalism politics. Recognition from around the world and led the Washington Post to be honored with a Pulitzer Prize or Public Service but the significance of their work extends beyond committee accolades. Through their relentless painstaking efforts to bring the truth about the Nixon Administration to life bob and carl epitomized the Founding Fathers vision ofthe free press. There could be no such thing as selfgovernance the fo
Them. And then you destroy yourself. Now, think about the brilliance no, seriously of that statement. He identified hate as the poison that grows too much of watergate, too much of the mentality in his white house. And to his credit, at that moment, hes giving up the presidency, which he had fought all his life for. He is detached intellectually enough to realize what had happened, that the hating had an impact on those he hated and what occurred and investigations and so forth. But that it had destroyed him. Time, tosistant at the , k and to the same conclusion. Came to the same conclusion. Wed like to take questions. Lets go. Ok. John, thank you. Mr. Woodward, where and when did you first meet mark felt . In the white house when i was in the navy. One of the jobs admiral moore, who i was working for, gave me the job to be a courier to take documents over to the white house. This was in my last year in the navy, 1969, 1970, and i went outside the situation room and i was supposed to d
She knew when she took office we had a crisis. She knew caseworkers had too many cases. They lied about the numbers they had on caseworkers. Get now . E suddenly they found the money to hire 120 new caseworkers. When we needed them . We could have saved so many lives. The same question please. I am a libertarian because i believe in small government. I believe government does have a role in our education, police and fire. We are being fined 1 million a year because we dont even have a childsupport Online Network system required by law. Years of this. We have a backlog on child fatalities. This is about prioritizing. Money tove plenty of the things we want by decriminalizing marijuana. Said workers are overworked and underpaid. We have the legislative branch, the executive branch. I will double the pay of everybody in the state of South Carolina. Want to be a republican and be broke, vote for them. I am trying to double the pay of our citizens. A young wife doesnt need to jobs. Wo or th