On this new series, we take mini road trips all around Singapore to uncover what our little island has to offer. This time round, we visit: Punggol East.
t.j. s wife knows? i m begging you. no, seriously, t.j., stop. do you know how it is for mika to work with t.j. breathing in her ear like that? i take the ear piece out. it s strange like that herman cain smoking ad. yeah, just like that. when he smiles in that ad, i don t know what he s smiling about. there s chief of staff mark bloc. because of the ad, he blows a little smoke in your grill as you watch this ad. and yesterday, he went on fox news to explain the smoking and to refer to himself in the third person. well, i tell you, you walk into a a veterans bar in iowa and they re sitting around smoking and, you know, we are resinating with them. and i m not the only one that smokes in america. it s just that i m a smoker and as a lot of the people on the staff said just let block be