CHESHIRE, Mass. — Molly Meczywor, teacher and athletic director for Hoosac Valley High School, recently completed an emergency medical technician course in order to become a certified.
From left, Julie Koczela, Jack Koczela, Seaman Josephine Rojas of the Navy Ceremonial Guard, Ruth Koczela, Lt. Cmdr Julie Gillespy of Naval District Washington, and Luke Koczela pose.
ADAMS, Mass. — As COVID-19 cases rise throughout the county following the holidays, the Board of Health continues to consider the possibility of a mask mandate and other potential.
ADAMS, Mass. — Despite reports of black mold from the Rev. Barrent Pease on Sunday, St. Stanislaus Kostka Mission Church is not at risk of being closed by the.
A priest’s statement Sunday that Adams officials were poised to close a venerable local church due to the presence of mold appears to be unfounded. The announcement also came as