When Republicans retake Congress and the White House, there must be a special counsel investigation into public education. That’s it. Enough. We have too many freaks in our schools. Too
Massachusetts school district is being sued by parents who allege that they secretly promoted gender transition of both their pre-teen son and daughter. Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri Ludlow filed their lawsuit against Ludlow Failing Public Schools last week. The parents allege that school officials “impermissibly inserted themselves into the private realm” of their family, superseding| USSA News
Ludlow Public Schools, a district in Massachusetts, secretly promoted the gender transitions of a pair of siblings without the consent of their parents, a lawsuit filed against the district claims. Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri Ludlow said Ludlow Public Schools, a district in Massachusetts, “impermissibly inserted themselves into the private realm” of their family. The| USSA News