“Nourish” and “Encounter,” two halves of the “Along the Road” podcast whole, are back with a second season. Building off last season’s discussions for ruling elders, deacons and other leaders at congregations and mid councils, season two will feature inspiring conversation for anyone in the church seeking to pair tradition with creativity. This being a General Assembly year, there will be looks up the road to Salt Lake City.
The Book of Order reminds us that one of the ways a faithful member gets involved in Christ’s mission is by “lifting one another up in prayer, mutual concern, and active support” (G-1.0304). Upon reflecting on this phrase, “one another” and “mutual” seemed to stick out.
A new Spanish-language translation of the Book of Order will soon be available to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders, church members and anyone else looking for guidance about Presbyterian polity. As with a simultaneous project to translate the Book of Order into Korean, the work is being led by Global Language Resources (GLR), a division of the Administrative Services Group of the PC(USA).