About 70 percent of New Yorkers know someone who has been injured or killed in a traffic crash, according to a new study. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
NEW YORK CITY Marisol Contla always told her husband Jose Contla to take care as walked and cycled down New York City s streets.
He had to a hard worker, he was always on the go between his job and John Jay College, where he studied to be a lawyer
On the morning of Feb. 23, Jose woke up early for his job cooking at a family restaurant in Bensonhurst. He kissed Marisol on the forehead and walked into the hallway, pausing.
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Presented by Uber Driver Stories
There are now 6,147 people hospitalized for Covid-19 in New York state, a level not seen since the middle of May. For weeks now, the mayor and the governor have been warning every day that things are getting worse, and it’s easy to get lost in a sea of numbers. But to put that figure in perspective, as the Wall Street Journal notes, it is six times the number of New Yorkers hospitalized just two months ago.
NYC’s Streets Got Deadlier In 2020
arrow Jose Contla was killed in late February by a hit-and-run driver in late February. Police have still not made an arrest. Facebook
Before 26-year-old Jose Contla was killed by a hit-and-run driver in Bensonhurst late last February on his way to work, his wife had an unsettling feeling.
“Six months before he passed, all those six months, everything was perfect,” Marisol Contla told Gothamist/WNYC. “One day I told my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law, I’m scared that something may happen to him, because he seems to be perfect.”
Marisol and Jose met when they were 16 and 14 years old, respectively, though initially Jose added two years to his age.