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At Woodstock’s Goff Hall vaccination site Monday morning, there was little fuss, few crowds and no lines to indicate the massive feat getting underway inside: Select Oxford County residents received the first doses of COVID-19 vaccine to be administered locally when the clinic opened its doors at 10 a.m.
At the clinic, staff waited outside to direct residents inside and help move them in and out of vehicles with wheelchairs at the ready.
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Try refreshing your browser. Oxford, Elgin vaccination clinics open smoothly Monday Back to video
Marion Gillespie was among the first residents to receive her vaccine in Woodstock on Monday morning. The Innerkip resident said she was looking forward to seeing her grandkids and great-grandkids again.
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At Woodstock’s Goff Hall vaccination site Monday morning, there was little fuss, few crowds and no lines to indicate the massive feat getting underway inside: Select Oxford County residents received the first doses of COVID-19 vaccine to be administered locally when the clinic opened its doors at 10 a.m.
At the clinic, staff waited outside to direct residents inside and help move them in and out of vehicles with wheelchairs at the ready.
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Try refreshing your browser. Elgin, Oxford vaccination clinics open smoothly Monday morning Back to video
At Woodstock’s Goff Hall vaccination site Monday morning, there was little fuss, few crowds and no lines to indicate the massive feat getting underway inside:…