7 is giving us that shot in san jose. So when the sun comes up. Weve got you covered, yeah and masks masks masks covering you today because the bad air quality john what expect. Yeah i agree we need those mass today youve been wearing in many ways, but today were going to have significant ash falling from the sky even if you can smell the smoke. So the mask will be very helpful and yes as we make our way through the next hour or so well see eventually what you those skies eventually do take what we are looking at is going to be a darker a smoky day much like yesterday smoke is a little bit lower in the horizon than yesterday its gradually sunk been very slow in doing so though so for some parts of San Francisco. Youre not quite smelling it yet. As that marine layer was still president overnight. Even in areas with slightly better air quality you still need that mask because we do have ash if you had your car outside overnight youre seeing it having settled on your car and as you step o