CITY OF EVELETHNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNOTICE is hereby given that thePlanning and Zoning Commissionof the City of Eveleth, Minnesotawill meet in the Eveleth City HallCouncil Chambers, 413 PierceStreet, Eveleth, Minnesota, at 6:30p.m. on Tuesday, May 30, 2023,to conduct a public hearing toconsider a proposed home occupation special use permit applicationpursuant to Section 11.12, Subdivision 4.
ORDINANCE NUMBER 01-23AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THEMOUNTAIN IRON CITY CODETHE CITY OF MOUNTAIN IRON HEREBY ORDAINS:Section 1. Amending Section 10.99.Section 10.99 of the Mountain IronCity Code is hereby amended toread as follows:ยง 10.99 GENERAL PENALTY.City Code Chapter 97 Knox Boxis hereby added as Section 10.99Appendix III (E).Section 2. Amending Section 10.99.Section 10.99 of the Mountain