Submitted to the fda came from hundreds of patients. If you had used ten patients, its like studying twins in a way because its all the same disease. So if they had used ten patients and given a kind of conditional approval, then everyone would have gotten the drug a lot faster possibly. So things like that, you know, could be in the are in the works. But its difficult to get them working. Jessica, youve outlined the fda is coming up with a new designation, a breakthrough designation status which really fast tracks drugs perfectly. It puts the companies in contact with the data and helps them shepherd it through very quickly. But these Breakthrough Status are for these targeted drugs meaning with cml the package actually is about a thousand patients. But the response we got in the first hundred was the same we got in the last hundred. And so the reality is if we could have taken that first hundred and had a breakthrough designation status, we could have had this on the market in a year
And religion. I started out studying quakers and quakerism in the colonial period and when i got to the revolution his name kept coming up. When i try to research and i couldnt find anything about him, or very little, and what was there was very conflicted and nobody seemed to be able to understand his actions. Very few people have heard of him today. Thats in stark contrast to his reputation during his lifetime. In the years immediately leading up to the revolution, his name was better known than washington or franklin. John dickinson wrote many of americas first state papers, and many of the highest level documents, policy documents, constitution, legislation. But he also wrote many more things for ordinary American People. And spoke to them in a way that very few other leaders did. These include newspaper articles, homes and americas first patriotic songs. Dickinson first entered the National Political scene and he was phenomenal leader of the Stamp Act Congress and wrote the stamp