Marianne Sullivan will be charged with overseeing the start of the second phase in a multi-year plan to develop cloud native technology at the servicing software company.
PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (NYSE:PMT – Get Rating) had its target price reduced by equities researchers at Credit Suisse Group to $17.00 in a research report issued on Thursday, Stock Target Advisor reports. The brokerage currently has a “neutral” rating on the real estate investment trust’s stock. Credit Suisse Group’s price objective suggests a potential […]
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Read the latest stock market news on MarketBeat. Get real-time analyst ratings, dividend information, earnings results, financials, headlines, insider trades and options data for any stock.
PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (NYSE:PMT – Get Rating) has earned a consensus recommendation of “Hold” from the ten brokerages that are presently covering the firm, MarketBeat Ratings reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, three have given a hold recommendation and five have given a buy recommendation to the […]