Apple committee announces 2021 research funding
The Michigan Apple Committee board approved funding for 2021 industry research projects at its March board meeting. Research funding is a part of MAC’s mission to serve Michigan’s apple growers.
“Members of the MAC Board of Directors select growers to serve on the research subcommittee,” said Diane Smith, executive director of MAC. “The subcommittee analyzes the submitted research proposals and recommends funding to the board.”
MAC’s research priorities are set to support Michigan Apple growers and industry success. MAC looks for projects that improve profitability and production, develop new markets and products and identify consumer trends and facts. MAC wishes to support innovative research that helps achieve MAC’s mission by enhancing the reputation of Michigan Apples.
Biological control of invasive swallow-wort vines in Michigan
December 10, 2020
A defoliating moth from eastern Europe may be the solution for long-term control of invasive vines that disrupt native plant and animal communities, including monarch butterflies.
A pale swallow-wort infestation in Oakland County. Photo by Brianna Foster, MSU Entomology.
Swallow-wort vines, also known as dog-strangling vines, were brought to the United States as ornamental plants in the 1800s and are related to our native milkweeds. However, their moderately aggressive growth habit and their potential to disrupt the life cycle of the monarch butterfly have turned them into plants of concern across eastern North America. When monarch butterflies lay their eggs on swallow-wort vines, the larvae that hatch and attempt to feed on these plants all end up dying. According to 2014 research from Cassagrande and Dacey, it is estimated that up to 25% of monarch eggs may be laid on swallow-wort in areas where th