The Igric Awards, the annual national prizes of the Slovak Film Union, the Union of Slovak Television Producers and the Literary Fund for audiovisual productions of the past year, were presented i .
The Slovak army will train Ukrainian soldiers in mine clearance. Slovakia is to join the Coalition to Support Demining in Ukraine.The Slovak army will train Ukrainian soldiers in mine clearance. S .
Slovakia is submitting its third application for a payment from the EU s Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF).Slovakia is submitting its third application for a payment from the EU s Recovery and Re .
Political scientists see the increased interest of Slovaks in voting from abroad as a result of political campaigns and increased emigration. Political scientists see the increased interest of Slo .
More than 50 percent of registered voters have voted from abroad so far. The Interior Ministry has so far registered about 40,500 return envelopes from voters abroad. More than 50 percent of regis .