Moscow’s Kelly Quinnett, the head of performance at the University of Idaho, rehearses “What the Constitution Means to Me” while construction continues on “Go Dog Go” at the Hartung Theater
Springdale Township’s commissioners Thursday approved a 2024 spending plan that includes no tax increase for property owners but taps into the township’s reserves for it to be balanced. The budget anticipates $2.3 million in expenses, but only $1.7 million in revenue. Township savings will cover the roughly $600,000 deficit, said
Photographer David Harlan, of Moscow, chats with members of the Palouse Peace Coalition before taking their portrait in Friendship Square. The portrait of the coalition members is part of “Facets
Eneida Larti, Ruby Fulton, Kate Skinner, all of Moscow, rehearse before a recent Silent Film Festival performance at the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre in Moscow. Fulton composed music to accompany